What is the Thailand Regional Forum at Sasin?
Thailand Regional Forum at Sasin offers a unique opportunity for members and guests to interact in an unfiltered setting with a diverse group of economic and political experts within Thailand and around the Southeast Asia region, discussing key topics impacting the business community. It was created in 1987 and continues to be organised by Chris Bruton, a longstanding Thailand resident.
Morning roundtable meetings are held at Sasin School of Management on the Chulalongkorn campus, on the last Thursday of each month. Refreshments from 7:00 a.m. and a welcoming reception area provide an exceptionally productive environment for networking opportunities.
Each meeting, from 8:00 until 9:30, features a series of concise presentations by a variety of experts on various topics. These include the Thailand and Southeast Asia economic, political and business environment, market trends, emerging technology and practices, legislative reforms, corporate social responsibility, governance or human resource issues, and much more. Members are regularly invited to participate as panellists.
Presentations are followed by an extended and free-flowing discussion session. It’s not recorded or broadcast, so members aren’t uninhibited when debating important issues.
Additionally, Thailand Regional Forum plans to resume hosting periodic luncheon and dinner meetings, activities that were suspended during COVID-19. Full details will be posted on the Forum website.
Beginning in 2023, Thailand Regional Forum is exploring opportunities to contribute to the local business education environment.
Who can join the Thailand Regional Forum?
Membership is available both to companies and related organisations (such as national embassies), and to individuals. These can be large multinational corporations, SMEs, or individual consultancies.
Companies are strongly urged to appoint their primary decision makers—C-suite or other senior managers—as Forum delegates. We provide pre-printed badges, so it’s important to notify us of any changes in attendance.
Sasin alumni are encouraged to apply for membership.
What are the membership benefits?
Affiliate members are entitled to:
Free attendance at all morning roundtable meetings during the year;
Attendance at special luncheon or dinner meetings (a meal charge may apply);
One registered guest for all meetings;
Access to a “Members Only” page on the Thailand Regional Forum website, featuring special content;
Two publications, filled with business news & data, and delivered electronically to members only:
Thailand Corporate Alert
Business Indochina
Publication of a feature article each year in Thailand Corporate Alert and Business Indochina, subject to space availability;
Governance: Make recommendations for future topics, speakers, and other issues;
And best of all, the opportunity to network with the other business leader members, panellists and special guests.
Partner members, whose generosity enables us to better fund Forum activities including scholarship endowments, receive all the above benefits, plus:
Display of your company’s logo at all roundtable meetings, within our publications, on the Forum website (with links to your company site), and elsewhere;
Up to three registered guests at all meetings;
Preferential space in Thailand Corporate Alert and Business Indochina;
Additional perks to be named later as the Partner program evolves.
How do I join?
Download and fill out the electronic form below, and email to meetings@dataconsult.co.th.
- Partner memberships are 54,000 Baht per year, plus 7% VAT if applicable.
- Affiliate memberships are 30,000 Baht per year, plus 7% VAT if applicable.
Download Membership Form